Endorsement Process

Club Endorsement Process for the 2024 November Election

Foothill Community Democrats (FCD) regularly engages in an endorsement process to determine support for political candidates seeking office. Endorsements are actions of support based on the candidate's stance on issues that FCD supports.

NOTE: Only dues paying members are permitted to take part in the endorsement process. If you would like to join as a voting member, dues must be paid 28 days prior to the endorsement voting meeting (no later than Oct. 5 to vote at the Nov. 2 meeting, or no later than Nov. 2 to vote at the Dec. 4 meeting). You can join here.



FCD Candidate Forums & Endorsement Voting

We have invited candidates for the below offices to share a short introductory statement followed by responding to questions submitted by club members and the FCD Leadership Team.

  • Duarte Unified School District (Seats 1 and 2)

  • Duarte City Council (Seat 2 and 3)

  • Citrus Community College (Area 5)

  • Congressional District -31

Candidates will be provided the questions one week ahead of time. For those candidates unable to attend the meeting, they will have an opportunity to submit their responses in writing to the FCD Leadership Team and the responses will be made available to those members present for the endorsement meeting.


Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024

  • IN PERSON: Monroe Room, Monrovia Community Center 7pm

  • Proxy’s must be returned by Sept 4.

Discussion & Endorsement Vote Process

  • After the candidate forum, all of the candidates will be asked to leave the meeting.

  • There will be a discussion session where members are provided an opportunity to state their case regarding who should be endorsed. Members will be limited to 3 minutes of speaking time.

  • Voting will be done in the meeting for all attendees eligible to vote. Members eligible to vote must be present at the meeting to cast their vote (or assign their proxy to another eligible voting member—see information below on proxy voting).

  • The minimum threshold for endorsement in a race with multiple Democratic candidates is 60% of the members present and voting, including proxy votes. If no candidate receives 60% of the vote, there will be no endorsement in that race.

  • An email indicating the results of the election will be provided after vote validation and counting is complete.

Proxy Voting

The deadline to assign a proxy voter is 24 Hours before the endorsement vote meetings:

  • September 5 meeting: deadline is September 4 at 7 PM

To vote by proxy, you must:

  • Be a club member in good standing, meaning with dues paid no later than 28 days prior to the meeting as outlined above.

  • Your proxy vote must also be a club member in good standing and present at the meeting (either zoom or in person).

  • Only one proxy ballot.

  • Coordinate with their proxy holder to submit a signed Proxy Assignment Form no later than 48 hours before the meeting. Proxy votes cannot be reversed once processed.

The Proxy Assignment Form will be sent out via email with the meeting notices and can also be requested at foothillcommunitydemocrats@gmail.com. The completed proxy form can be emailed back by the deadline to this same email address.